El Directorio de una fundación lidera estratégicamente, supervisando operaciones y asegurando el cumplimiento de objetivos. Establece políticas, toma decisiones financieras y contribuye a la planificación estratégica y éxito continuo.


With a masters degree in Early Childhood Education, as well as strong ties to some of our most important communities, Natacha is influential in shaping our education policies, proposals, and fundraising rounds. 

With a background in business finance and having grown up in a developing community with limited access to basic educational supplies, David builds relationships with our key investors and partners.


With a background in business finance and having grown up in a developing community with limited access to basic educational supplies, David builds relationships with our key investors and partners.


With a masters degree in Early Childhood Education, as well as strong ties to some of our most important communities, Natacha is influential in shaping our education policies, proposals, and fundraising rounds. 

With a background in business finance and having grown up in a developing community with limited access to basic educational supplies, David builds relationships with our key investors and partners.


With a background in business finance and having grown up in a developing community with limited access to basic educational supplies, David builds relationships with our key investors and partners.

With a background in business finance and having grown up in a developing community with limited access to basic educational supplies, David builds relationships with our key investors and partners.


With a background in business finance and having grown up in a developing community with limited access to basic educational supplies, David builds relationships with our key investors and partners.

With a background in business finance and having grown up in a developing community with limited access to basic educational supplies, David builds relationships with our key investors and partners.

With a background in business finance and having grown up in a developing community with limited access to basic educational supplies, David builds relationships with our key investors and partners.


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